Location: Atrium / Cultural Arts Theater
Location: Cultural Art Theater
• Dr. Susan Deer | Provost and Executive Vice President
• Dr. Bart Grachan | Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
• Maggie Cohen | Professional Development Coordinator
Location: Cultural Art Theater
What do I want my students to learn? How will I know they are learning? Assessment is part of the teaching and learning process in both academic and non-academic environments. It is a collaborative effort and includes all members of your department and allows everyone involved to be part of moving the College forward. This presentation will provide an overview of some assessment processes from course, program and institutional for the academic areas as well as the areas for the non-academic departments.
• Patricia Kobes | Assistant to the Provost, Academic Affairs
Location: Cultural Art Theater
In this session, the presenter will cover the basics and benefits of using OneDrive for your file storage needs as well as a number of advanced topics that can help increase your efficiency and productivity. Come and learn how to:
• Quickly and easily move my files from Google Drive to OneDrive
• Securely share files with colleagues and students
• Collaboratively share and edit files with a team
• View my cloud files when I’m not at my computer
• Synchronize my cloud files to my computer
• Gary Holeman | Chief Information Officer
Location: Cultural Art Theater
Mental health is no longer a completely private topic. It has emerged as front-page news and as a focus in the world of education. As we move through this next phase of the pandemic, let's consider how we begin to incorporate practices in our classrooms and interactions with students that support their effective coping and overall wellness.
• Kathleen Carroll | Faculty Counselor and Associate Professor
• Inez Rivera | Faculty Counselor and Associate Professor
Location: Cultural Art Theater
Consider your preconceptions about U.S. military veterans as you learn about how to best support former service members returning to the classroom. Included in this presentation is an overview of the current demographics of our veteran population and campus initiatives to support this community. Faculty and staff will learn techniques to create an inclusive environment for veterans. Advisors (both faculty and staff) will receive a brief overview of advising and financial aid issues specific to the veteran population. Finally, a panel of current RCC veterans will share some reflections and invite questions from the faculty and staff.
• Jonathan Barnwell | Coordinator of Judicial and Veterans Affairs
• Nicholas Cupo, USA
• Joseph Jackson, USMC
• Dominick Christiano, USN
• Jonathan Winfield, USMC, RCC’14
• Cynthia Lasman | Instructor of Nursing
You must attend at least one of the morning sessions to be automatically entered into the raffle.
Location: Atrium / Cultural Arts Theater
Please complete the REGISTRATION FORM to make a lunch selection.
Location: RM 2325, Academic II
Have you ever wondered how to successfully team teach a class from two different disciplines? In this session, the presenters will share about their experience and what went into planning their class (BIO22700/PSY22700) for approval from the Curriculum Committee, recruiting students, working together on a syllabus, and navigating teaching together. Come and learn how to effectively collaborate with other departments.
• Stacy Casden | Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of CASAC Program
• Dr. Kristopher Baker | Professor of Biology and President of RCC Federation of Teachers
Location: RM 2323, Academic II
This workshop will explore the print/digital text divide, inviting participants to share their own and their students' experiences with replacing print literacies with digital modes. After a brainstorm session, the presenter will provide an overview of how students read online literature differently than they do using traditional texts, and the effects that can have on deep reading and critical thinking outcomes. Participants will also be offered a variety of methods and resource ideas for use in classroom curriculum and instruction. These strategies will assist professors and students in more interactive, constructive, and meaningful reading experiences with online texts.
Participants will be able to:
• Recognize and articulate the cognitive differences between reading print and online texts
• Assign and discuss digital texts with their students with a more confident and interactive approach
• Create a cache of strategies and resources (ie: free apps, websites, and other tools) that help them and their students perform more engaged, deep reading with online texts
• Dr. Rachel Golland | Assistant Professor of English
Location: RM 2325, Academic II
Now more than ever, our students are seeking connection with their peers in the classroom. As teachers, we have so many new technology tools at our disposal (Padlet, Powtoon, VoiceThread, etc.). But what strategies make the best use of these tools to build those connections? Join us as we share examples from our remote synchronous and in-person classrooms across various disciplines that make use of different apps and teaching methods to successfully engage our students and enliven our classrooms.
• Sara Macel | Instructor and Program Coordinator of Photography
• Dr. Shamika Mitchell | Associate Professor of English
• Konstadinos Ritsatos | Program Director of Humanities
Location: RM 2323, Academic II
Zooniverse is an online platform for "people-powered research". The platform connects people from all around the world, allowing for global collaborations on large projects. Zooniverse projects span all disciplines. As educators, we can develop assignments that ask students to immerse themselves in new or one of the many already existing projects. During this session, participants will learn about the types of projects to which faculty can connect their students as well as hear a first-hand account of how it has been used by an RCC Faculty member. Come see how you can get students involved in global active learning opportunities!
• Introduce educators to a new global research platform
• Display how this tool can be used to promote active learning opportunities
• Introduce faculty to a tool that they can use to develop their own projects in which they can elicit the help of the global community
• Dr. Jillian Decker | Associate Professor of Biology
• Ashari James | Director of Academic Support Services
• Audrey Green-Hill | Outreach and Placement Coordinator/Title V Real World Ready
• Cynthia Lasman | Instructor of Nursing
• Kathleen Carroll | Counselor and Professor
• Maggie Cohen (co-chair) | Professional Development Coordinator/Title V Conexion
• Matthew Matcovich | Associate Professor of Math
• Nancy Rosen | Instructor of Communication/Speech & Program Coordinator of Academy for Academic & Professional Development
• Dr. Rebha Sabharwal | Assistant Professor of Sociology
• Dr. Robert Schultz (co-chair) | Associate Provost of Curriculum Development, Faculty Engagement and Academic Support Services
• Dr. Suzanne Hickey | Project Director of Title V Conexion
Should you have any questions, please contact mcohen46@sunyrockland.edu.