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RCC Office of Professional Development (CPD)
Click on the session title to view the recording.
AY 2022-2023
- OnBase: Student Worker Job Posting, 8/2/23
- Division of Finance Summer 2023 Training, 7/26/23
- OnBase: Grade Change Form, 3/24/23
- ChatGPT and AI at RCC, 3/24/23
- Provost Faculty Scholars & Lumen Circles Info Session, 2/10/23
- Spring 2023 Finance Division Training, 1/25/23 & 1/26/23
- Testing Center Overview for RCC Faculty and Students, 1/13/23
- RTP and Digication Workshops, 1/9/23
- Validity and Reliability- How To Show Your Assessment Work, 12/6/22
- OnBase for RCC Faculty, 11/17/22
- New Faculty Orientation, 10/18/22 - 11/15/22 (Note: You must be logged into myRCC to access this page)
- OnBase for RCC Faculty, 11/17/22
- Creating Rubrics for Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Assessment, 11/7/22
- Nutrition & COVID-19, 10/28/22
- Building Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Assessment With Multiple-Choice and Short Answer Questions, 10/18/22
- Using Padlet To Create Student Connection and Navigate Difficult Conversations (by Sara Macel), 10/10/22
- Back To Basics: When The Professor Becomes The Student (by Dr. Zenya Richardson), 9/26/22

- Invest In Yourself And Your Students – LinkedIn Learning For RCC Faculty and Staff
- The Power of Technology for RCC Faculty
- Designing The Student Experience: Using Design Thinking To Solve Real Workplace Problems
- Designing Effective Rubrics: How To Align Learning Outcomes, Instructional Activities & Course Assignments
- HighLIGHT Your Syllabus: Using A Visual Syllabus As A Tool For Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion
- From Blackboard to D2L – What's Next?
AY 2021-2022
- Payroll Authorization Form for Previously Employed in OnBase, 7/21/22
- Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) - What You Need to Know & Using Digication to Develop Your RTP Portfolio, 6/16/22
[Session Materials] - Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Global Collaborations, 5/3/22
- I Have Two Homes – An RCC International Panel Discussion, 4/26/22
- IttS RISE Analysis – Continuous Improvement Workshop #2, 4/8/22
[Session Materials]
- IttS RISE Analysis – Continuous Improvement Workshop #1, 4/8/22
[Session Materials] - The Upshot of the Opioid Crisis, 4/7/22
- Appreciative Advising: The Key to Success for Both the Student and the Institution, 4/5/22
[Session Materials] - "Be the Change You Wish to See in the World' – Creating Awareness and Inspiring Action Through an SDG, 3/3/22
- Humans, Remotely: Connecting With Each OtherIn The Online Learning Environment, 2/24/22
[PPT] - Introduction to Microsoft Teams, 1/27/22
- Spring 2022 Division of Finance and Human Resources Training, 1/26/22 & 1/27/22
Spring 2022 Faculty Professional Development Day, 1/20/2022
- Welcome
- Re-Adapting to In-Person Instruction [PPT]
- Guided Pathways and Gateway Courses Refresher [PPT]
- Micro-Credentials: Re-Designing the Future [PPT]
- Achieving Equity in Learning Through the Hyflex Model
- Microsoft Outlook for Teaching
- Inclusive Approaches to Designing Student Assessment [PPT] [Session Materials]
- The Elephant in the (Class)Room [Session Materials]
- We Are Lifelong Learners: A Discussion on Faculty Professional Development [Session Materials]
- Spring 2022 Adjunct Start-Up, 1/18/22
- A&P Visibile Body Training, 1/10/22
- Using Digication to Develop Your Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Portfolio, 1/5/22
[Session Materials] - Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) - What You Need to Know, 1/5/22
- Service Excellence, 11/18/21 and 11/19/21
[Session Materials] - Understanding First Generation Student Demographic via Testimonio or Storytelling, 11/8/21
[Session Materials] - Academic Publication 101, 10/22/21
[PowerPoint Slides]
Fall 2021 Faculty Professional Development Day, 10/15/2021
- Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) - What You Need to Know, 10/8/21
[Session Materials]
- Using Digication to Develop Your Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Portfolio, 10/5/21
[Session Materials]
- La Cultura Profesional: A Virtual Panel with Latinx Professionals, 10/5/21
- Building Inclusion by Understanding the Hispanic Culture, Part II: Food and Music, 9/24/21
- Building Inclusion by Understanding the Hispanic Culture, Part I: Family and Traditions, 9/17/21
- Improving Student Success in Math 13400, 8/10/21
AY 2020-2021
- Professional Development Day for Faculty and Staff, 5/24/21
- Everything You Need to Know About the New Student Orientation (NSO)
- "Brother, Can You Spare $21,018?" - Financial Literacy for Faculty and Staff
- Our New Normal: Transitioning to Campus Life After COVID-19 Quarantine
- Summer Reset for Faculty: Refilling Your Own Tank
- The Adjunct Experience: Past, Present, and Future
- Cultivating the Seeds of Success: Transformative Advising
- What Is Cancel Culture and Why Is It Becoming a Pop Culture Phenomenon?
- Streamlining A Student's Journey: Transitions
- Refining Student Success Teams, 4/13 - 5/11, 2021
- Session 1: What Are Student Success Teams
- Session 2: Iterating Student Success Teams
- Session 3: Making Student Success Teams Work
- Session 4: Looking Towards the Future
- Banner for RCC Faculty: Grade Entry, May 7, 2021
- Police Reform, 4/30/21
- Judicial Affairs: Classroom Management Guidelines, 4/23/21
- Conducting Ethical Research in the Classroom and Beyond, 4/16/21
- Advising Ambassador Academy, 3/16 - 3/29, 2021
- Banner Self-Service Training Series for Faculty (Ellucian), 3/11 - 3/25, 2021
- Argos and Banner Report Training Series, 2/26 - 3/12, 2021
- Deans, Student Success Teams and Title V Conexion Guided Pathways Implementation Workshop, 2/9/21
- COVID-19 and the Bell Curve,1/22/21
- Deep Breathing in the Classroom and Beyond, 1/21/21
- Spring 2021 Faculty Professional Development Day, 1/21/21
- Blitz Sessions
- Engaging Students in the Distance Learning Environment: Building Community Online
- 5 Productivity Tools for Instruction and Beyond
- PR and Social Media 101
- Faculty Awareness of Student Support Services
- Coping with COVID as a Faculty Member
- Deep Breathing in the Classroom and Beyond
Maggie Cohen, M.A.
Professional Development Coordinator/Title V Conexion