OCTOBER 15 | 9:15 AM - 4:00 PM

In case your teaching schedule does not allow you to attend the entire event,  please join as many sessions as you can.


9:15 - 10:30 AM
Welcome & The 2021-2022 Student: (Re-)Adapting to the Changing Classroom



Dr. Susan Deer
Provost and Executive Vice President

The 2021-2022 Student: (Re-)Adapting to the Changing Classroom

COVID-19 has reshaped the way educational materials are delivered and absorbed. This session will discuss the challenges that arise as students move from online synchronous to on-seat and vice versa. Some topics under consideration include translation of in-person to online note-taking skills, as well as the use of "point and click" information delivery when students return to the traditional classroom. Participants will share their experiences and suggest pedagogical techniques to address student needs.


Dr. Rebha Sabharwal
Assistant Professor of Social Science

Cynthia Lasman
Nursing Faculty

Ronald De Ramon
Assistant Professor of Business

10:45 - 11:45 AM
Aligning Guided Pathways to Strong Workforce Outcomes


This workshop will provide progress on the Real World Ready grant and how the efforts of Guided Pathways will connect academia to strong workforce outcomes. Participants will have an opportunity to join the national discussion on how career pathways will help students successfully progress through their college experience, to obtain a credential of value that will lead them to a fulfilling career and economic stability.

Dr. Jean Leandre
Dean of Career and Professional Development/Title V Real World Ready

Audrey Green-Hill
Outreach and Placement Coordinator/Title V Title V Real World Ready

Jason Tomlinson
Outreach and Placement Coordinator/Title V Title V Real World Ready

Nat Remy
Activities Coordinator/Title V Title V Real World Ready

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

12:30 - 1:30 PM
Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Strategy for Engaging Students


In this session, the presenter will share a pedagogical approach to help engage students and generate classroom interest. Culturally responsive teaching acknowledges the life experiences of our students and finds ways to draw connections between course materials and the rich cultural backgrounds of a diverse student population. The presentation will offer ideas on how instructors can rethink their curricula and redesign assignments to forge authentic connections to course topics, help students discover their interests, and foster positive student attitudes.


Alexandra Della Fera
Associate Professor of English, Passaic County Community College, NJ

Alexandra Lucignani Della Fera has received her B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts and her M.A. in English from Rutgers University. She has taught as a full-time professor of Composition and Literature at the community college level since 1993. Now an Associate Professor of English at Passaic County Community College, Prof. Della Fera teaches many courses ranging from Developmental Studies in Reading and Writing, College-level Composition and Literature, Critical Thinking, and Honors Composition. In addition to her active role in curriculum development as the EN 101 Academic Coordinator for the English Department, Prof. Della Fera serves as the Co-Director of the Teaching Excellence Grant where her core interests in faculty development and student success are both actively pursued. She has been the recipient of two National Endowment for the Humanities grants, and has been awarded the “Women of Honor” by the PCCC Student Government Association and the “President’s Citation” for her numerous contributions to the College. Prof. Della Fera continues to thrive in the classroom driven by her desire to help her students succeed.

1:45 - 2:15 PM
Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success


Strengthen lifelong learning and 21st-century skills by learning about the value and implications of using emerging technologies for communication, engagement, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking in this Coursera Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) available to faculty across the globe. #EmTechMOOC

Dr. Nicole Simon
Professor of General Science, Nassau Community College

Christine Marchese
Associate Professor of Business, Nassau Community College

Lynn Aaron
Professor of Computer Studies, RCC

Dr. Veronica O'Neill
Adjunct Faculty of Business, RCC

2:30 - 4:00 PM
Being Latinx in Academia: Navigation, Support and Mentorship


How can colleges support and mentor Latinx students and employees? This webinar will discuss navigating obstacles, creating an empowering environment for students, and diving deeper into the perspective of faculty and administrators who help pave the way for reaching students’ educational goals.

Mark Gomes
Faculty, School of Arts and Humanities, RCC

Jose Diaz
(formerly) Executive Director of Non-Traditional Programs, Pillar College

Ydania Santos
Assistant Director, Accessibility Services, RCC

Michael Otero
Graphic Design Student, RCC

Tierra Hall-Edward
Connection Center Coordinator, RCC

Maggie Cohen
Professional Development Coordinator / Title V Conexion, RCC