How To Attend:
NOTE: In-person participants are advised to join this session from either their respective offices or RM 1106.
Rubrics provide an efficient means for faculty to improve student learning, facilitate communication with students, and enhance academic quality. The construction of grading rubrics provides a systematic means by which faculty can align learning outcomes, instructional activities, learning competencies and course assignments. Not only does this process inform instructional practices so that faculty can ensure classroom activities support the target learning outcomes, but the integration of rubrics as “feed-forward” information provides students with clear expectations to guide their work. Further, the integration of rubrics facilitates timely, efficient grading of student assignments in a manner that is consistent, clear and detailed. Participants will explore various types of rubrics and learn how to design, integrate and utilize rubrics to foster student learning.
B. Jean Mandernach, Ph.D.
About the Presenter:
B. Jean Mandernach, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching at Grand Canyon University. Her research focuses on enhancing student learning in the online classroom through innovative instructional and assessment strategies. She explores strategies for integrating efficient online instruction in a manner that maximizes student learning, satisfaction, and engagement. In addition, she has interests in the development of effective faculty evaluation models, perception of online degrees, data analytics, and faculty workload considerations. Jean is an active presenter and consultant in the field of higher education and serves on various editorial boards including the Journal of Educators Online, eLearn Magazine, InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, and Journal of Instructional Research. In addition to authoring numerous journal articles and chapters, Jean co-edited (along with Dailey-Hebert and Donnelli-Sallee) the book, Handbook of Research on Inclusive Development for Remote Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education, and co-authored (along with Tobin and Taylor) the book, Evaluating Online Teaching: Implementing Best Practices.